Gravity vs Law of Attraction


As you probably know, gravity is a powerful force in the Universe. We know this to be true because we see its effect everywhere we look. You could say, we see it, so we believe it.

In addition to that many people also believe in the Law of Attraction in that energies or vibrations that are alike are drawn together. If you’ve ever watched the movie “The Secret” you will most certainly agree to this statement.

Most people you have conversation with will undoubtedly know about the law of gravity, however, much fewer people will agree to knowing or believing in the Law of Attraction. The difference being, gravity can be observed with an eye of non-judgement.

Let me explain… a person cannot see gravity but they can view the effects of gravity. They do this from a non-judgmental stance in that they see it and know that it is a constant that will react the same every time.

Gravity is not personal (so it would appear) in that it reacts to everything and everyone the same. The Law of Attraction however, seems very personal in that it affects our very existence and its effects are viewed very differently in each and every individual.

It all comes down to this, the Law of Attraction works through us and the law of Gravity works around us. The Law of Attraction therefore must filter through each individual and show up as a vibrational match to that particular person.   

Of course, depending on the vibration of the person, what they experience may not be what they are intending if their vibration is not a match to this intention, so the seeming complexity of this law comes about from it having to filter through each and every one of us and then create vibrational outcomes that match our own energies.

The things that distort the vibrations we have from the vibrations that we want are our resistance to allowing and our ego.

I could go on and on about this but let me quickly recap. The Law of Attraction is as powerful (or more so) than the Law of Gravity and the only difference is that Gravity seems impersonal where the Law of Attraction can appear very personal. This relationship between us and the Law of Attraction creates the resistance we have and our egos perpetuate this resistance.

Once you are aware of these laws and how they permeate every aspect of our existence you will see them both working in perfect harmony and unconditionally.

So, where Gravity is more of a “I see it so I’ll believe it” type of law, the Law of Attraction is a “I’ll see it when I believe it” kind of law.



Birth Of The Success Rhino

This story begins (for this Success Rhino), perhaps sounding stunningly familiar to your own unfolding of events.

Imagine if you will a city. Not unlike the one you may find yourself living in. In a suburb not more than twenty minutes outside of the hustle and bustle of an increasingly dwindling downtown atmosphere in the heart of Middle America (North America to be exact).

An infant growing up in a friendly neighbourhood where parents were happy to have their kids roaming the streets knowing they were safe from harm which allowed the stay-at-home moms some sanity from the daily task of being a parent.

It was a peaceful neighbourhood however, the scars of poverty stained the community as pedestrians could be seen grumbling to work every morning seething with hatred as the anguished over the next eight hours of surviving another day at a job they detested.

Fridays were good days as it was. You could sense the relief as people hurried home from the week of toil and rejoiced in the complete ownership they had of the next two days. A real sense of freedom blanketed the neighbourhood.

This particular suburban community was firmly entrenched in a working middle class mindset and this was evident in the modest housing and thrift stores sprinkled throughout the surrounding area.

A very weak environment indeed for an aspiring entrepreneur or success seeker alike.

As you might guess, school was never at the top of the list as fun things to do and many students stumbled through their classes anticipating the next recess or lunch break that would cut up the day and make it almost bearable.

A few students did very well in school of course, but were often the brunt of jokes and ridiculing from the dumbed down masses of the curriculum. No, it was clear to see it was much safer to be among the masses and avoid the punishment of being pranked.

I was to learn at an early age that mediocrity was a safe place to hide my otherwise great potential.

Besides, the only thing good grades were going to get me was a forty year sentence at a job I probably wasn’t going to enjoy where I would be earning far less than I was worth making scads of money for a company that could care a less about me or my life.

Don’t get me wrong there are plenty of people that have found jobs that they absolutely love, but they are few and far between. I think it’s a shame that throughout our lives we settle for the bottom of the barrel instead of shooting for the stars.

I decided for myself early on that I was going to break this vicious cycle of debt and lack so I started my own brick-and-mortar business in the coffee industry and became the proud owner of two franchised coffee shops.

Because I did follow through with a secondary education in the trades industry I also had my own contracting company. If you were to look at my life you may think “wow, what a success story”.

But the story doesn’t end there. As many of you may know, being a small business owner doesn’t come without it’s challenges, and although I had my own business I certainly didn’t have the freedom that I was seeking in that between me and my wife we were always working and getting further into debt.

We had done nothing more than buy ourselves jobs, (and not very high paying ones at that).

Eventually enough was enough. I needed something better for myself and my family. I searched and found a calling that led me to what I do now and I couldn’t be happier.

I help people break free of their self limiting beliefs and help them find balance, harmony and abundance in their lives. It takes effort and commitment however the results are well worth every drop of sweat.

You too, can become a success rhino and charge towards your success. It does require growing some thick skin and becoming intensely focused but you don’t have to do it alone, and that’s one of the most important lessons I’ve learnt.

See where I’m at now and find out how you too, can set youself free from the chains of mediocrity:

The Code Is Cracked, Success Is Mine!

For every good step we take forward, for many of us it appears we take several back only to land in a spot less desirable than before.

How do we commit such acts of self-sabotage and is there anything we can do to prevent this perpetual cycle of advance and withdraw?

The truth is we bully ourselves into making wrong decisions because we are concerned about what other people will think of us. We allow what others will think of us to move us into making wrong decisions. Sounds weird doesn’t it? But it’s true.

We put way more value into this than you may even realize!

It is this very fear that immobilizes us and prevents us from moving continually forward. It influences how we dress, What we eat, and many of the activities we partake in.

It is, in large part, the reason we are where we are today. People like to do what is easy and subsequently this results in settling with what the masses are doing.

The problem being is that we are continually catering to the lowest common denominator, hardly seems like a logical way to get ahead.

In any case, due to the incessant nature of our egos, here we stand amidst struggle and mediocrity, but it doesn’t have to remain that way. Let me explain.

We are all blessed with the ability to choose how we live. Each and every day we make decisions that either bring us closer to our goals or further away, yes it seems odd but many of us commit ruthless acts of self-sabotage thinking we are moving in the direction we want only to arrive in the back alley of life (been there).

Anyways, a solution has been found to avoiding the pitfalls we all seem to run into from time to time and it’s available in a FREE report titled”Unlocking The Success Code”. In this report you’ll discover the seven key principles to finding your success map.

It’s been found that when you use all seven of these principles in harmony and combine them synergistically in your life you will meet with unprecedented success.

In short, these seven principles are guide lines to you creating your success map. Now I don’t know about you but you can be sure that the quickest way to get to where you want to go when you’re unsure of the way is with a map right?

Of course, so why wouldn’t you want to get your hands on this information, in fact you’d be crazy not to.

But first let me share a secret with you….. None of these principles are necessarily new to anyone.

Let me be a bit more specific…. Most people have heard all these principles before but here’s the kicker…. Almost no one has ever but all seven together and used them collectively to unleash the magnificent power they command when used in harmony.

It turns out that all seven must be followed and adhered to in order to become supremely effective. Unfortunately when they are not used together in harmony the result is often frustration, confusion and limited success.

Just imagine having the ability to map out your route to success and see more than ever before how it can be possible for you to create you ultimate lifestyle.

Download your FREE report now

A Vision Mindset Promotes Action

I had the opportunity this past week to really take stock as to where I was taking my life and the direction I was heading.

although I had a vision as to where I wanted to end up I found that some of the details were a bit cloudy and vague.

On top of that I didn’t really have a plan of action to follow to get me to that place that I want but can’t really describe.

That’s when it hit me…. I’m not achieving the top level of results I want because my subconscious mind has no real understanding of where to take my thoughts and ideas.

My vision isn’t clear enough and I have no real plan of action (certainly not one that I’ve been sticking to). subsequently I’ve been becoming increasingly frustrated with myy results.

Now don’t get me wrong, I’ve accomplished some fantastic results in my life but they have been sluggish at times and I know I could achieve them faster and much more effectively. Have you ever felt that way?

It seems at times that I’m rolling forward but with no real target to shoot for or the exact opposite in that I have to many targets in front of me at once. does that make sense to you?

To make a point, I believe you need to really focus on what your vision is, I mean really get a clear picture of what is is you want and why you want it. I started by thinking about all the things that made me feel joyful and passionate. These are the things that you can build your vision around (after all, isn’t the whole point of life about finding your bliss).

Anyway, I found that when my vision was clear it was much easier to formulate an action plan around that vision (duh!) and subsequently my action plan was much easier to implement because I see it with the end result in mind.

Think of it like this: Clear vision = clear results and if you fail to plan you are planning to fail.

Vitally important last and final point: I have written numerous articles and documents on these topics and many others, and I am far from perfecting any of them, but it is my awareness of them that allows me to catch myself slipping so I am able to prevent myself from falling.

In my report titled “Unlocking The Success Code” I discuss the importance of having a vision and a plan. you can grab your FREE copy by going to my website @

Success To All

Mindset Thermostat

Have you ever been clipping along in life believing you were headed in the right direction stick your head up one day realizing that you really haven’t come as far as you thought and certainly not as far as you would have liked to?

I had that epiphany yesterday, my goals that were set a year ago came and went and many of them were attained but most of those goals were all of my smaller goals and ambitions.

Don’t get me wrong I’m grateful for every goal I’ve achieved and in complete appreciation for where I’m at but the problem is I’m thinking way to small.

Why is it that my smaller goals took precedence over my larger ones? Could it be because they’re perceived as easier to attain, and if that’s the case then it is absolutely accurate that I’m thinking way to small.

We should be focusing on our larger goals and letting the smaller ones take care of themselves, of course having to focus on a huge daunting goal in front of can be intimidating so then we must focus on the milestones along the way towards this goal.

Big things are done every day and I am committing myself here and now to thinking bigger and becoming bigger in achieving the grand goals I have. I think all of us settle into default mode from time to time and sink back to old habits and routines because they are a place of comfort and security. Nobody likes to stick their neck out in fear of it getting lopped off.

In any case it comes down to who we’re being in the moment that allows us to step up into the place we want to be, and it requires consistent diligence on our part (and on the part of our true friends) to hold ourselves to a higher standard. To be the person we want to be in every moment so we can become the person we know we can.

We all have this thermostat for ourselves around where our mindset level is at. This in-turn affects our finances, relationships and work habits. Generally, when we attempt to rise above this default level it is  a matter of days or months that we settle right back down to our preset level.

This level, or thermostat setting was adopted through our earlier learning and experiences such as school, media, government, church and our parents. We were moulded into a certain way of thinking and developed habits around that thinking.

Those habits became a large part of our routine and our thermometers were set. Now it is possible to change our setting but here’s the deal….. it takes consistent effort.

I caught myself slipping back to my old setting and I caught myself and readjusted. You can do the same if that’s what you choose to do.

It all comes down to what do you really want for you?

Don’t forget, if you haven’t grabbed a copy of my FREE report titled “Unlocking The Success Code” be sure to do so and discover the seven principles for personal success.

Free Report

Success or Default?

Is the glass half empty or half full is the age old question to having an optimistic outlook as oppose to a pessimistic outlook.

The only real question to ask yourself is who am I being right now….. in this moment, after all that’s all that really matters anyway.

Nobody cares how good you were yesterday, they only care about how good you are right now. Yesterday may have been a stellar day but this is today and how are you showing up right now, in this moment.

You see, it’s not good enough to be in right place at the right time, although many people believe this to be true, you have to be the right person, in the right place at the right time.

If you’re going to step up to a higher level to day you better be willing to step up tomorrow and the day after and so on and not settle back down to you previous default position.

Adopting a success mindset is no different than adopting a healthy mindset where yo-yo dieting runs rampant and exercise schedules collapse.


Because we fall back into our default mode of habit, it’s comfortable and were not motivated enough to get uncomfortable even though we know it will do us a whole lot of good.

You need to break the default cycle before you will ever hope to jump to the next level of success in your life.

Who you were yesterday is no longer acceptable, you need to exceed the person you were yesterday, you need to grow forward and reach towards success. Success will never come down to the level you are at.

Maintain your new level of awareness and step into the role of who you need to be to get the results you desire. Don’t worry about what others think about you decisions, what others think about you is none of your business anyway.

Your going to need to get some tough skin to realize you goals. Think of yourself as a success rhino and charge towards your dreams.

Trust me on this, you deserve everything you desire!

Grab a copy of my FREE report titled “Unlocking The Success Code” here.

Weekend Wake-up Call On Successful Thinking

I can’t believe how small I’ve been thinking these past few years. it’s no wonder I haven’t reached my target income of $300,000 in 2007, but let me go back to the beginning to continue the story.

This past weekend I had the unbelievable opportunity to spend two masterminding days with several millionaires. Five to be exact, and by the end of the weekend I clearly understood how truly small I was showing up.

You see, my background is that of a blue collar nature, I was a journeyman cabinetmaker for 15 years and then decided that making only $40,000 a year wasn’t going to work for me. I knew that there was a better way to create the life I wanted but had absolutely no idea how to do it.

I knew that I needed to learn more about money and how I could make it work for me instead of me working for it but it just seemed so overwhelming.

Frankly, I wasn’t that bright when it came to academics, in school I managed to do just well enough to scrape by and had no real interest in learning the curriculum. As you probably remember we all could have done things a lot differently in school but as they say the past is the past, leave it there.

Anyhow, in my mid twenties I decided it would by “smart” to get into a business with a good friend of mine at the time, and you can probably see where this is going.

And of course as what happens to many businesses that start off with good intentions it didn’t work out and unfortunately we are no longer friends but the lessons learned were immense.

In that time I managed to find the lady of my dreams and we got married and decided to continue on the business building mindset and get into our own business together. The business was a franchised coffee shop and to us at the time seemed to be a dream business and we were able to branch out and purchase another coffee shop as well.

But the problem was we had no time for ourselves and to top it off I continued to build a contracting business on the side which very quickly became mainstream and took me away from the coffee business.

Here’s the scary part: We actually thought that we were successful at that time but the reality was we had only bought ourselves jobs, and we were slaves to them 24/7.

Let me ask you a question, Have you ever gone down a path thinking it was the right one only to find out it wasn’t exactly how you imagined it?

It was then that I realized things had to change, so my wife and myself started to invest more time in us, we got a personal coach and began reading books, taking courses and going to seminars. We started looking for ways to make a living that would provide us with the lifestyle we wanted and we found it. We started volunteering our time to seminar companies that would come to our city that needed some extra help so we could learn more about the mindset it takes to be successful.

Needless to say that’s how my wife and I were able to get the attention of these millionaires and pick their brains on learning what it takes to succeed, and I realized that after all the training I’ve gone through and coaching and reading that I was still thinking much to small about my life and now understand the importance of being around like-minded individuals who will hold me to a higher standard and expect more from me than I expect from myself, that’s motivating and inspiring. Can you imagine how great that feels.

One final point. After analyzing people such as the five I was entertained by this past weekend I discovered the seven principles that propelled them all to the success they now have and I wrote about these seven traits in a report titled “Unlocking The Success Code” and you can grab a free copy here. Free Report